venerdì 12 ottobre 2018

Sony Xperia Z3 Compact d5803 - Recovery & Root

How to install recovery and root to get most out of yours Z3c with locked bootloader?
Ure phone needs to have more than 50% battery.

2.Download flashtoolDOWNLOAD
Download all 3 file attachments from thread made by @russel5 DOWNLOAD
Download superuser mod from thread made by @Rajeev (For 291 Build)DOWNLOAD
Download SuperSU from THIS link

3.Once everything is downloaded, copy superuser mod amd superSU to the phone.
Install flashtool, navigate to its folder, and open folder called Drivers and install following drivers: Flashmode drivers,fastboot drivers and xperia z3 compact drivers.

4.Find and, rename them to kernel575.ftf and kernel291.ftf.
Copy kernel 575.tft to C:\Users\(username)\.flashTool\firmwares\

5. Start flashtool as admin, press black lighting and then press flashmode. For source, navigate to C:\Users\(username)\.flashTool\firmwares\
Under firmware tab
, you should see Xperia Z3 Compact, press arrow to the left to open D5804 tab, press againt to open stock kernel tab, press again to open the kernel. Click on the kernel and click flash
Flashtool will give you instructions to finish the flash.(
One tab will pop up, press no)

6. After flashing kernel, turn on the phone. Check kernel build date > Settings > About phone. If it's April 22, 2016, you successfully flashed the 575 firmware. The 291 kernel is dated June 28, 2016.
Open developer options and enable USBdebugging and plug phone to the pc.

7. Extract to the desktop, run install.bat as admin(be sure that flashtool is closed and install.bat and its folder are on desktop). After it finishes, phone will restart to the recovery.

8. In recovery, go to install tab, navigate to zips you placed on the phone. Flash '''' and flash '''' file, then reboot system and check if theres a superSU app in app drawer.

9. Turn off the phone, now using previous steps you need to flash kernel291.ftf placing it in the same folder you placed kernel575.ftf. Make sure to delete kernel575.ftf.
After flashing it, using previous steps make sure you have right kernel by checking kernel build date(june28,2016)


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